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Showing posts with label Face-Face Networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face-Face Networking. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Face to Face Networking: Still the Best Way to Start Business Relationships

"While the much vaunted online social media may be valuable tools, there's simply no substitute for face-to-face communication in cultivating new relationships, particularly the first contact."

by Lillian D. Bjorseth


Live interaction

About 90 percent of in-person communication is conveyed through nonverbal actions. Your walk, posture, handshake, eye contact, facial expressions and appearance as well as your tone, rate, pitch, speed and inflection share volumes with those who are astute people readers. This form of communication is missing online. The words account for about 10 percent. 

If someone you want to meet is geographically inaccessible, the second best thing is to spend time with her/him on the telephone because you can engage the person in an interactive conversation to hear voice modularity and get a quick feel for her/his communication style and business savvy. 

Knowledge and trust factors

You do business with people you know and trust or people referred by people you know and trust. Both ingredients are established more quickly when you meet face-to-face.

Would you rather do business with someone your associate refers after meeting her/him in person … or online? It’s difficult to engender trust based on your LinkedIn profile alone. (Who monitors that the information is factual?) The profile, however, can be a great way to enhance information you already received.

Honesty and integrity

You can see that people are who they say they are and how they portray themselves. You also gain valuable information by listening and observing.


Immediacy of decision-making

One of the early decisions you need to make is whether it is worth pursing a mutually beneficial relationship. It is far easier to do in person as you share your “ask for” questions and measure responses against your “listen for” answers.

Ask-for questions help you determine if the person is a first-degree candidate to help you grow your business or further your career or a second-degree candidate because s/he knows someone who can help you. “Listen-for” answers contain the information that alerts you the person has relationship potential because s/he plays in your ballpark … or not.



People remember you much more easily when they have met you in person. An online photo or video is helpful; however, it’s not like looking you in the eye and shaking your hand. You need to ensure your personal encounters are meaningful so that you gain top-of-mind positioning in your subject area.


Increased online contacts

Increased personal contacts will also help you increase your online contacts on sites like LinkedIn since most of you link only with people you know. You become more valuable as the size and quality of your network grows.

Once you have invested time and effort into face-to-face meetings, you can rely on online networking to stay in touch and strengthen your relationships. That’s where the two methods fit hand-in-glove.